Monday, August 24, 2009
Happy Hours and Work Environments
I find myself in a curious position - I like the people that I work with. Unlike my previous job, where I did not have any desire to socialize, I do with these people. I it reminiscent of my first job, when I found myself in an institution where the average age of employees was 27 years old. Not too bad for my first job. Anyway, the more time I spend with these people, the more I am impressed that I think of my coworkers as knowledgeable, thoughtful, and fun individuals. I think it's hard to find that and I wasn't really searching for that, just a job, but I lucked out in the meantime.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Babies are everywhere!
Me Oh My
So, as many of you know, divorce is probably in my near future but I don't know why I cannot commit to it. As I see it, I am not happy, I cannot make him happy, he, it seems is looking for me to make HIM happy ... I CAN make me happy -- what are my options?
I want my life back! I want the control over my property and money without feeling the need to justify decisions -- I want equality and what is just. For any of you who know me, know that this is what defines me as a person and take that away or do something unjust, then watch out!
Further, I'm tired of being a nag and acting like a mother/sister/friend to my husband. That's not what I want and I'm sure that's not what he wants either.
So, why is this so hard? I have no hope for us, only hope for me. Logically, our relationship doesn't make sense. Emotionally, our relationship doesn't make sense. I pray everyday for guidance.
Some day buddy, some day.
I want my life back! I want the control over my property and money without feeling the need to justify decisions -- I want equality and what is just. For any of you who know me, know that this is what defines me as a person and take that away or do something unjust, then watch out!
Further, I'm tired of being a nag and acting like a mother/sister/friend to my husband. That's not what I want and I'm sure that's not what he wants either.
So, why is this so hard? I have no hope for us, only hope for me. Logically, our relationship doesn't make sense. Emotionally, our relationship doesn't make sense. I pray everyday for guidance.
Some day buddy, some day.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Kinesthetic learner?
So, apparently, I'm a kinesthetic learner. What is that?
"Kinesthetic learning is when someone learns things from doing or being part of them. They make up about 15% of the population and struggle to pick things up by reading/ listening to things. Many people mistake themselves for kinesthetic/tactile learners because they have not used the full variety of learning options, which means they cannot find the right learning state for them.
The kinesthetic learner usually does well in things such as chemistry experiments, sporting activities, and acting. They also may listen to music while learning or studying. It is common for kinesthetic learners to focus on two different things at the same time. They will remember things by going back in their minds to what their body was doing. They also have very high hand-eye co-ordination and very quick receptors."
"Kinesthetic learning is when someone learns things from doing or being part of them. They make up about 15% of the population and struggle to pick things up by reading/ listening to things. Many people mistake themselves for kinesthetic/tactile learners because they have not used the full variety of learning options, which means they cannot find the right learning state for them.
The kinesthetic learner usually does well in things such as chemistry experiments, sporting activities, and acting. They also may listen to music while learning or studying. It is common for kinesthetic learners to focus on two different things at the same time. They will remember things by going back in their minds to what their body was doing. They also have very high hand-eye co-ordination and very quick receptors."
Kinesthetic Learner Characteristics
You may be a kinesthetic learner if you are someone who:
- Is good at sports -- I can hold my own.
Can’t sit still for long -- yup.
Is not great at spelling -- gotten better.
Does not have great handwriting.
Likes science lab.
Studies with loud music on -- used to be the case, sometimes still.
Likes adventure books, movies -- very true.
Likes role playing -- does performing count?
Takes breaks when studying -- all the time.
Builds models.
Is involved in martial arts, dance -- yup.
Is fidgety during lectures -- yup.
Kinesthetic Learners Can Benefit from:
- Studying in short blocks.
- Taking lab classes.
- Role playing.
- Taking field trips, visiting museums.
- Studying with others.
- Using memory games.
- Using flash cards to memorize.
- Chew something.
- Color code your notes
- Jitter - allow your feet to tap or body to swing.
- Type - type up notes.
- Walk while you review your notes.
- Write your notes out.
- Yo-yo as a distraction.
Worst Test Type:
Long tests, essays.
Best Test Type:
Short definitions, fill-ins, multiple choice.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Since when? Lose yourself?
How is it that we lose ourselves? One day, we look and we're just gone. Having had that happened and am working my way back to "self," I think, "I don't remember a catalyst to this change." It's a slow change, so be weary. If you're driving along and just notice that your old favorite music isn't appealing anymore, look at the bigger picture. Sounds crazy but, for me, that's how it manifests itself. What manifests itself? The change in self. Needless to say, I've found myself again. She wasn't that far away - I'm laughing and smiling again. I'm silly and strong.

In the word's of Eminem:
"Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?"
Take this attitude when it comes to self -- you're the only one you got. No one else is gonna do it for you.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Inspired by High Fidelity --- My Top Five Songs (Tonight)
1. The Joker -- Steve Miller Band
2. Dreams -- Otis Redding
3. You're the First, My Last, My Everything -- Barry White
4. Bittersweet - Big Head Todd and the Monsters
5. Kerosene -- Miranda Lambert
These five songs always make me smile. Today, I had The Joker stuck in my head and remembered fondly of driving around Franklin with Jared in his white Ford Mustang. The other four songs have memories to go along with each and that I know I will never forget. With Dreams and Bittersweet, I'll remember Sweet Williams flowers and a brick wall. Thinking back to the lyrics of both of the songs, I wonder, if I ever really knew the truth about the man behind those songs. I hope so. Barry ... Good ole Barry. I love this song and want a man to sing it to -- I thought I had that once but now I'm not too sure. Regardless of how it is now, I'll always remember the card that I gave him to listen to this song. And, Kerosene - Love it. I'm fire, just need some fuel. A song of empowerment that reminds me that I have boots and they will take me wherever I want to go.
And just because I was inspired by the movie ... a funny quote:
"Should I bolt every time I get that feeling in my gut when I meet someone new? Well, I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains." - Rob (John Cusack)
2. Dreams -- Otis Redding
3. You're the First, My Last, My Everything -- Barry White
4. Bittersweet - Big Head Todd and the Monsters
5. Kerosene -- Miranda Lambert
These five songs always make me smile. Today, I had The Joker stuck in my head and remembered fondly of driving around Franklin with Jared in his white Ford Mustang. The other four songs have memories to go along with each and that I know I will never forget. With Dreams and Bittersweet, I'll remember Sweet Williams flowers and a brick wall. Thinking back to the lyrics of both of the songs, I wonder, if I ever really knew the truth about the man behind those songs. I hope so. Barry ... Good ole Barry. I love this song and want a man to sing it to -- I thought I had that once but now I'm not too sure. Regardless of how it is now, I'll always remember the card that I gave him to listen to this song. And, Kerosene - Love it. I'm fire, just need some fuel. A song of empowerment that reminds me that I have boots and they will take me wherever I want to go.
And just because I was inspired by the movie ... a funny quote:
"Should I bolt every time I get that feeling in my gut when I meet someone new? Well, I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains." - Rob (John Cusack)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
So, I love my daughter .... BUT

I cannot stand to spend 24/7 with her... And, I am sure if she could speak more words, she would second my opinion.
Here's the situation:
Little Isabel has RSV (a respiratory virus) and it's horrible. Since it's viral, her mummie and daddie can't do anything about it (and there's no real medicine to help it). When she's sick, daycare is off limits. Here's the part that I hate almost as much. This means that either mummie or daddie stay home with her, all day long. And, in this particular situation, it is now Wednesday and I will be staying with her, 24/7 for the next five days.
How will I keep my sanity? Now, I love my daughter, but I can imagine that the next several days will drive me nuts. I would do anything for her, but this is really pushing it. This is one of the worst things about parenting... I can handle the physical sickness, but being stuck with her all day is tough (to say the least). Here's the thing: she's a doll, even when completely healthy. So, what's my problem?
I am one of those mothers who knows that I am a better mummie when I have time away from her. I stayed home with her the first five months of her life, only removing myself from it for a short weekend getaway. It was great. But now, I'm wishing I had a nanny who could just give me a break so that I could go to work or school only to return as Super Mom, not over-tired, stressed-out, short with her temper Mom.
Here's to hoping that she gets better soon -- for both of our sakes.
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