Monday, September 17, 2007

Prenatal vitamins causing headaches?

Thoughts, theories, and/or experience?

Ever since I switched prenatal vitamins from the hive-causing generic brand to the "natural" prenatal vitamins, I have had headaches. A couple of days ago, I forgot to take my fancy vitamins, I did not have any headaches. No kidding!

I wake up in the morning, feeling great, doing housechores, etc. but then get a headache about 1 to 2 hours after taking my vitamin (usually during lunch). Coincidence? I have been unable to find any information about this matter online except for some other pregnant women complaining. I have tried switching the times from lunch to dinner, but will still get the headaches. I am now taking half a pill, twice a day. I still get a headache but it's not the migraine like before. I am tried tracking what's going on and cannot imagine it being anything but the vitamin since so many other factors are inconsistent.

Advice or comments are appreciated.


Vali in the Valley said...

Hey Megan,

One thing I've heard is that the iron is the biggest problem for some women, causing upset stomachs, headaches, etc. Not that shopping for YAPV (yet another prenatal vitamin) is all that thrilling a prospect, but you could try a version w/out the iron & make sure to get enough iron in your diet. Another possible route (subject to consultation w/ your dr.) is to try taking a regular daily vitamin plus a separate folic acid supplement (plus whatever other separate supplements your doc recommends.) Good luck & I hope you lose the headaches soon! -valerie

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