Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Hours and Work Environments

I find myself in a curious position - I like the people that I work with. Unlike my previous job, where I did not have any desire to socialize, I do with these people. I it reminiscent of my first job, when I found myself in an institution where the average age of employees was 27 years old. Not too bad for my first job. Anyway, the more time I spend with these people, the more I am impressed that I think of my coworkers as knowledgeable, thoughtful, and fun individuals. I think it's hard to find that and I wasn't really searching for that, just a job, but I lucked out in the meantime.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Babies are everywhere!

Congratulations to my oldest friend -- she is pregnant with her second child!

I am very excited for her and cannot wait to be an "auntie" the second time over.

Me Oh My

So, as many of you know, divorce is probably in my near future but I don't know why I cannot commit to it. As I see it, I am not happy, I cannot make him happy, he, it seems is looking for me to make HIM happy ... I CAN make me happy -- what are my options?

I want my life back! I want the control over my property and money without feeling the need to justify decisions -- I want equality and what is just. For any of you who know me, know that this is what defines me as a person and take that away or do something unjust, then watch out!
Further, I'm tired of being a nag and acting like a mother/sister/friend to my husband. That's not what I want and I'm sure that's not what he wants either.

So, why is this so hard? I have no hope for us, only hope for me. Logically, our relationship doesn't make sense. Emotionally, our relationship doesn't make sense. I pray everyday for guidance.

Some day buddy, some day.