Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Me Oh My

So, as many of you know, divorce is probably in my near future but I don't know why I cannot commit to it. As I see it, I am not happy, I cannot make him happy, he, it seems is looking for me to make HIM happy ... I CAN make me happy -- what are my options?

I want my life back! I want the control over my property and money without feeling the need to justify decisions -- I want equality and what is just. For any of you who know me, know that this is what defines me as a person and take that away or do something unjust, then watch out!
Further, I'm tired of being a nag and acting like a mother/sister/friend to my husband. That's not what I want and I'm sure that's not what he wants either.

So, why is this so hard? I have no hope for us, only hope for me. Logically, our relationship doesn't make sense. Emotionally, our relationship doesn't make sense. I pray everyday for guidance.

Some day buddy, some day.

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