Week 8:
Apparently, now my uterus is the size of a grapefruit. I can't tell. I am still having issues with food and tiredness but nothing crazy like last week (hives!). Unfortunately, I am off my prenatal vitamins but am hoping to go back on "natural" alternatives today as my allergist thinks that what caused the hives. I hope (hope, hope) to go to the gym soon and try to maintain some muscle tone. Nothing too crazy, do not worry! Oh, and, boobs are still getting ready for lactating... they're huge!
Fun fact: My blood volume has increased by 40 to 50 percent.
What is happening with your baby?
"Everything that is present in an adult human is now present in the small embryo. The ears are continuing to form externally and internally. The bones are beginning to form, and the muscles can contract. Fingers and toes are webbed but are growing longer.
The facial features continue to mature. The tip of the nose is present and the eyelids are now more developed. The embryonic tail is also disappearing, and your baby's body is beginning to straighten out.
While your baby's gender has already been determined, the external genitals are still forming and cannot be clearly seen. The embryo is at the end of the embryonic period and begins the fetal period."
How big is your baby?
The embryo is about 1 inch long and is approximately the size of a bean. (sweet!)
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