Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bacon, Sausage, and Ham .. Oh my!

So, I had heard all about not eating soft cheeses and hamburger but as I was re-reading certain parts of my trust-y pregnancy book, it also said, "no pastrami, sausage, bacon, ham, deli meats, hot dogs, etc." WTF?
As soon as I read this, I head over to my trusty MacBook (on which all of these entries have been typed), click on Firefox (the internet) and Google 'bacon during pregnancy.' You know what? It's a he said/she said type of debate. Some sites mention it because of the fact that the nitrites are considered carcinogenics; other sites say to not eat them during the first trimester, and finally, the rest do not mention it at all. I figure, I'll try to avoid them because cancer-causing foods are never a good thing. But, really, what is a pregnant lady, regardless of how many pregnancies she's had, to do?
So, in the meantime, I will be sticking to my boring foods ... but applesauce, though boring, is mighty tasty. Yum!

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