Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How about an Allergic Reaction? Anything else?

So, late last night, I woke up with my elbows and buttocks itching (I know -- sounds fantastic, right?). I went into the bathroom and realized that other parts of my body, such as my hips, knees, and hands were covered with huge, red, itchy, welts. Sounds like fun, right? Luckily, I am catching up on my reading, so I know that benadryl is not harmful during pregnancy. It is probably not great, either but I was not sleeping and these welts were spreading before my eyes. I quickly tried to think of anything out of the ordinary that I touched or rolled around in yesterday. Nothing. What did I do next?

I woke Rob up. Yup, that is right. I was hesitant to do so because I figured that with this whole pregnancy, I have to be careful, I do not want him running errands for me at 4 in the morning unless I really cannot do it. I think that I will save up my earned-errands credits so that as the pregnancy progresses, I might be able to get more favors. So, I showed him what was going on and told him that I was going to Walgreens. He asked what he could do and I said, "go to sleep." Aren't I great?

Anyway, now, it's morning, the benadryl does not seem to be working and I am all out of the fresh tube of hydrocortisone that I purchased a mere 7 hours ago. I have a doctor's appointment later today and I am trying not to itch. Luckily, I have not had many pregnancy symptoms today. I am thankful for that because if I had to nauseous and itchy, I just do not know how I would deal with it.

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