Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 11, 2007: A routine visit to the doctor?

So, after a week on the Colorado River with friends, I returned to Denver. I was expecting my "friend" to make a visit during my vacation and was thrilled when she was delayed and did not make her presence known during my trip. Anyway, I had been late before; I was never what you would call "regular," in that department. So, when I was going in for a regular check-up, I did not think anything of asking them to also do a pregnancy test, in addition to my other tests. Considering that would trump pretty much anything, my doctor wanted to do that first before any other tests. Although I peed in the cup and knew that I was seven days late, I still did not think it was going to be positive.

About ten minutes after peeing into a cup, Beth, super-nice health care administrator, came in and said, matter-of-factly, that "the pregnancy test came back positive." I cried at first, but only a little - three, four tears at most. She asked if I need a minute and, of course, I didn't. Nor, did I need to call anyone, I was pregnant, not going to die. Beth continues with her talk and when she started handed me pamphlets and talking about my pregnancy, I began to laugh. I could not help it.

So, I then continued with my check-up, now armed with much more knowledge than I intended. I called Rob; luckily, he was home and I was about five minutes away. When I arrived home, starving because I spent about three hours at the doctor's, I started making my lunch while he worked on a presentation. While my lunch was heating up in the microwave, I nonchalantly said, March 13th. He must not have heard me - a common occurrence in our house - so I repeated myself. March 13th. He said, "what's March 13th?" I said, "that's the day our baby will be born."

I wasn't nervous or scared telling him. He did not react. It did not sink in. He was seated at his desk and he was just looking at me. Eventually, he said, "what?" I repeated myself and he reached his arms out for a hug... I made him get out of the chair and then we had a super long embrace.

It was not something that we had planned just yet, but we knew that we wanted kids. Apparently, God and this kid had other plans and decided that sooner rather than later would work for us. I know that I am excited (and scared) and that Rob is happy.

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