Friday, July 13, 2007

If I Had a "Real" Job

So, if I had to get up every morning at 7am and then go to work, I do not think that I could do it. I feel tired most of the day, that is, until it is time to go to bed. God bless the pregnant women who do that. I know that I would somehow find the energy to, if I were one of them but I am not. I get to do most of my work from home and whenever I feel like it... 2am, 2pm, etc. As it stands, I get most of my energy for the day about 8pm at night! What the heck? Most of the time, I just want to lie down and rest - if I fall asleep in the process, so be it! About an hour after I get up, I want to go back to bed. Any plans before 10am should just be forgotten about.

And, so I know that it's summer but really, am I supposed to be this hot and tired? I feel like in addition to the heat that the sun is creating, I am also creating some heat of my own. I feel like I have always got a low-grade fever or something. My forehead is always warm and I am never cold. This is important because "before," I was the person that was always cold. I could be in pants and a long-sleeve tee in 70 degree weather and be cold. That person is gone. I do not have central A/C but, thankfully, Rob has a window unit in his bedroom - the temperature? 68 degrees... for now.

I hear, from the one book that I've read, that this is supposed to go away but that it returns in the third trimester. At least it will be winter by then.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha! Pregnant Sweats! HAHAH! Oh Megan, I'm going to have such a laugh reading all this. Those crazy hormones. Enjoy every minute!