Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's Official - Week 6 has begun

So, I had a couple of "good" days where my energy level was decent and I did not have to nor did I feel like napping. I even went to the gym for some "moderate" exercise. Yeah. Although, I did go to Target and buy an air conditioner. Who knew that 90 degrees was the norm for Denver?

I've talked with my Dean at the business school and I have, essentially, three options:
1. Press on with school -- go as far as I can and then do the make up work (an estimated 7 weeks, I'm presuming).
2. Go for the first semester but defer the second until January 2009.
3. Defer for the entire year.

I have been looking for jobs but the thought of not starting school is really depressing. I could look past these months of unemployment because I have been working on school stuff, but if now, I cannot or should not go to school, what should I do? Needless to say, I am waiting to talk to Rob about this stuff as he is up in the mountains and thus unreachable for the week.

Other things going on in my life? I have been doing a lot of reflection, looking for 2-3 bedroom places in the area, and trying not to just run away from it all given all the craziness that is happening at once. But, you know what? God would not give it to me, unless He thought that I could not handle it.

What's happening to the baby in week 6?
The formations of the lungs, jaw, nose, and palate have begun. The hand and feet buds have webbed-like structures that will become the fingers and toes. The brain is continuing to form into its complex parts. A vaginal ultrasound could detect an audible heartbeat at this time.
Lenses of the eyes appear - If you could catch a glimpse inside, you would notice your baby's appearance becoming increasing like a newborn's (and less like some weird science experiment). Nostrils are formed and the intestines grow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In case you're soliciting votes, here's mine. Go to school! Stay in as long as you can manage it. It will help you pass the time till the bambino arrives, give you a reason to get up, get showered and do something for the day. And once you have a teeny thing at home with you, you'll have those days when you think "ALL I WANT IS A SHOWER!"