Monday, July 23, 2007

I still have not figured it out...

I still have good days and bad days... physically, that is. I've been trying to walk around while I do errands and stuff; other days, I go to the gym. On those "gym" days, I keep it light but end up sleeping. Today, I fell asleep on the bathroom floor. The tiles were cold and it's still hot in Denver and my condo. I await my first prenatal check-up to see what kind of exercises and activities, I should and should not be doing.

Emotionally, the hormonal-ness, seems to have even-ed out, but I am also not holding my breath either. Every day is a new adventure! Also, the weird pregnancy dreams are in full effect. They are just bizarre. It was suggested that I keep a dream journal but I have not done that yet. This morning, I woke up confused because my many dreams actually involved Rob, so it's was super bizarre.

Like, I said, I still have not figured out a pattern and am hoping to find one sooner rather than later.

Oh, my first prenatal check-up/ultrasound is August 14th.

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